Welcome!  I am a certified Integral Master Coach™, mentor, professional photographer, evolutionary,  mother, and lover of the natural world. As a coach, I am committed to supporting those who wish to bring conscious and meaningful change to their lives.

My journey to this work

Growing up in Ireland during “the troubles” of the 70’s contributed to my desire for a deeper understanding of who we are and our place in the world. It was the country’s rolling hills and rivers that seeded my love of nature and, in the words of eco-philosopher David Abram, the “more than human world”. 

As a child in a country torn apart by violence and politics, I had questions. Quite simply, nothing made sense. I sought solace in the rambling fields, far from the black and white television and the endless debates that reverberated through our home. It was later in life, during a period of great heartbreak, that questions would arise again in earnest and lead to a profound change in life direction.

It was a spirit of inquiry that led me to Integral Theory, psychology, the wisdom traditions, and an intensive meditation practice. Profoundly impacted by the Dalai Lama and Buddhism’s Science of the Mind philosophy, I  also studied at Namgyal Monastery Institute of Buddhist Studies. 

I believe questions are fundamental to us as humans and can be the doorway to lives of deeper meaning, presence, purpose, aliveness, and engagement. It was Albert Einstein who advised, the important thing is not to stop questioning.” While Indira Gandhi believed that “the power to question is the basis of all human progress.” Questions are at the heart of what brings people to coaching. And it is through questions that greater clarity and new possibilities are revealed.

In addition to my coaching work, I serve as a volunteer at our local hospital where I provide support to people receiving treatment for cancer. I enjoy long walks in the woods; dancing; yoga; meditation; laughter; photography; silent retreats; recording nature videos; reading; writing; cooking and spending time with my partner, friends, cat, and quirky and loving family.


The methodology I practice is rooted in years of research and draws upon Ken Wilber’s Integral Theory which synthesizes multiple models of human development and evolutionary theory with key insights from major wisdom traditions and neuroscience into a profoundly comprehensive framework. My coach training and certification is through ICC.

I 'd love to hear from you!

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